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Saturday, January 07, 2006

Bigs Tings for Two Thousand Six

I'm a young old G in this web game. After five years of playing around on msoy I've decided to take this B-otch straight to the digital top, so I'm doing my research and making some changes. 2005 ended with the development of several new msoy original blogs, one of my favorites being sistaweb, one of many new places for me to edu-tain (educate and entertain that is) I hope some one out there is keeping an eye out on msoy and taking notice of my progress. The New Face of msoy is just a small part of all that I have in store for this year. If you haven't already done so sign up to the new MSOY Web Community (e-Blocks), which is going to be like meets for black people.

Black Bloggin, Black Buzz News, Black Online Entreprenuers, Sista Web, Mo Funnies, multiple shades of you online © LaShanda Henry 2005-2006 |